tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4259215746272258176.post5340990848474601131..comments2014-08-02T16:32:56.049+01:00Comments on Bloggers4UKIP: Why Cameron won't answer the referendum questionStuart Parr[email protected]Blogger2125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4259215746272258176.post-27511407708560054102009-06-04T18:53:31.373+01:002009-06-04T18:53:31.373+01:00David Cameron has to keep both wings of the Conser...David Cameron has to keep both wings of the Conservative party happy by choosing his &quot;weasel words&quot; very carefully.<br /><br />If the Lisbon Treaty is ratified by all 27 countries the Conservative official line is, &quot;We will not leave it there.&quot;<br /><br />This is so vague, that it can keep everyone in the Conservative Party happy, all at the same time. <br /><br />There is no-one that can take offfence with that statement.<br /><br />It can mean whatever you want it to mean.<br /><br />My hope is that the voters are not fooled by these &quot;weasel words,&quot; and they see David Cameron and the Conservative Party for what they are.<br /><br />They are both very pro-Europe, but have a thin veneer of euro-scepticism which they hope will keep Conservative voters happy.Steve Haldenhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01833456244122569255[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4259215746272258176.post-69336399676912604312009-06-04T14:30:32.360+01:002009-06-04T14:30:32.360+01:00The UKIP doesn&#39;t say much about the Libertaria...The UKIP doesn&#39;t say much about the Libertarians.James Highamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/14525082702330365464[email protected]