Monday, 30 April 2012

UKIP could hold the balance of power in London

UKIP could hold the balance of power in the London Assembly after Thursday's election if a YouGov survey for the London Evening Standard is correct.

According to YouGov, Labour are expected to end up with 12 seats, the Tories with 10, the Lib Dems with 2, UKIP with 1 and the Greens and BNP to lose their single seats.  A ConDem coalition would have 12 seats, the same as Labour leaving UKIP holding the balance of power.

A UKIP assembly member sharing the London Assembly with a 12 member ConDem coalition and 12 Labour members would be king maker - neither faction would be able to form an administration without the support of the UKIP member.

Sadly the news isn't quite as positive for mayoral candidate, Lawrence Webb, who is sitting on 3% behind Boris, Red Ken and Brian Paddick.
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