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Saturday, 12 March 2016

Fareham Conservative councillor convicted of benefit fraud

A Conservative Councillor in Hampshire has been forced to resign after being convicted of benefit fraud.

We reported his first appearance before magistrates last month because the national newspapers "forgot" to splash it all over their front pages like they would if UKIP had been involved.

George Ringrow was a Hampshire County Councillor for Fareham and member of the Portsmouth Diocesan Synod. He has resigned as a councillor but it is not clear whether he has resigned from the Synod.

Ringrow claimed £32k of pension credit that he was not entitled to for over 5 and a half years, failing to notify the DWP that he had found employment at St Johns Ambulance and as a county councillor. He said that he hadn't noticed the money going into his bank account but also claimed to have phoned and written to the DWP to tell them that he had found a job and shouldn't be getting pension credit.

Unsurprisingly the judge was less than convinced and sentenced him to 4 months in prison suspended for 12 months.