Saturday, 22 November 2008

EU to create huge market for smugglers

Nigel Farage has criticised a decision by the EU to severely limit the amount of cigarettes and alcohol that you can take between the UK and the EU for personal consumption.

MEPs have narrowly voted in favour of reducing the amount of cigarettes you can bring home for personal consumption by 90% and the amount of alcohol by 50%.

The Labour MEP for the South East euroregion, Pete Skinner, voted in favour of reducing the limits claiming that it will stop smuggling. Which is an interesting claim because I'd imagine - as would most people I expect - that cutting the benign supply of cheap fags and booze would merely increase the market for gangs of organised criminals. The kind of gangs that hijack lorries at service stations or offer a diverse range of services such as people trafficking, protection rackets and drug dealing.

Still, keeps the eastern european gangs in a job.


Steve Fowler Blog. said...

The EU just doesn't get it does it?, the more it tightens it grip on the things people like or need they will always go for other sources.

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